Management systems

With our management systems we control and monitor all company processes. Our quality and environmental goals are firmly anchored in our corporate policy and are highly valued. Already during development and design, we aim for maximum efficiency and resource-conserving use of energy in our products. We also plan the economical use of materials and operating resources in the manufacturing processes. The health and safety of our employees is our highest priority.

Quality management

Our customers place the highest demands on the quality of our products. Therefore we work with a quality management system that ensures the quality of our products and services, from the first customer contact to the supply of spare parts.

Planning and monitoring of all quality assurance measures is carried out by the central quality management, while implementation is the responsibility of the individual functional units. Regular internal and external audits make certain that work is carried out in accordance with the rules, not only at our company but also at our suppliers.

Certification organizations regularly confirm our compliance with the standards. The certificates are available for download.


See certificates

United Nations Global Compact

The United Nations Global Compact is the world’s largest and most important initiative for responsible corporate governance. Based on 10 universal principles and the Sustainable Development Goals, it pursues the vision of an inclusive and sustainable global economy for the benefit of all people, communities and markets. By joining in 2019, IGB Automotive, together with more than 15,000 companies and organizations in over 160 countries, demonstrates that it is committed to realizing this vision.

As an initiative of the United Nations, the UN Global Compact offers a unique framework for promoting a fair form of globalization across industries and borders and for implementation of this vision with appropriate strategies and activities.

The UN Global Compact has 10 universal principles, which form the basis of all activities in this initiative. These 10 principles, to which IGB Automotive has committed itself, are divided into the areas of human rights, labour standards, environmental protection and the prevention of corruption.

In an annual sustainability report to the UN and on sustainability portals of the automotive industry, IGB Automotive reports on its progress in this respect.

IGB Code of Conduct

Compliance with the law and observance of basic ethical values are the foundation on which our economic activities are based.

To maintain the high esteem in which the IGB Group is held by customers, business partners and the general public, it is essential for each and every employee to conduct themselves in a proper and responsible manner. The IGB Code of Conduct is binding for all employees. Each employee has the right to point out to his or her manager (or, if necessary, to the next higher management level) any circumstances which indicate a violation of the regulations contained in the Code of Conduct; this can also be done anonymously.


Download IGB Code of Conduct (Revision status 11.11.2019) 

Environmental Management

As a growth-driven company offering specific products with high customer benefits and use, we have committed ourselves to sustainable action and recognize our responsibility to the community, future generations and the environment. Environmental protection is therefore an important corporate objective for IGB Automotive.

We have introduced an environmental management system at our various locations in accordance with the DIN EN ISO 14001 standard that gives structure to this objective.

Our efforts to ensure environmentally friendly processes are guided by the following core ideas:


  • Efficient use of energy and raw materials
  • Conservation of resources
  • Raising employee awareness of corporate environmental protection
  • Proactive implementation of new laws, regulations and special guidelines
  • Trustworthy interaction with the public, neighbours and authorities

Beginning with the development of our products, we focus on optimal functionality together with reducing material usage and weight. Longevity is just as important as energy efficiency in the operation of our products. Thus, we consider the aspects of sustainability both in product development and in our production processes.

Health and Safety Management

Maintaining the health of our employees and promoting occupational and plant safety are both a task and a corporate challenge for IGB – of equal value and in harmony with other corporate objectives. I.G.Bauerhin sets demanding goals for occupational safety and health care at all company divisions and organizational and working levels, ensuring consistent implementation and thus continuously improving its performance in these areas. Ideally, occupational safety management also contributes to an improvement in profitability.

Information Safety Management

Information processing plays a key role for our company. All essential strategic and operative functions and tasks are significantly supported by information technology (IT). Risks to the security objectives of confidentiality, integrity and availability of information and information technology are reduced to an acceptable level by means of economically appropriate measures using current technology.

All derived actions make an indispensable contribution to the success of the company, are an integral part of business policy and serve to secure the future of the company.

Our information security management is based on the industry standard ISO/IEC 27001, is aligned with the company’s objectives and is the responsibility of the company management. The suitability of our information security management according to the automotive industry standard, the VDA Information Security Assessment (ISA) catalog, was confirmed by TÜV Rheinland in a VDA-TISAX* assessment at our headquarters.

All employees and management are aware of their responsibility in handling data and they support the security strategy to the best of their ability.


* TISAX: Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange of the ENX Association